New Macbook Pro Laptop sales Bypassing Windows in Five Days

The new Apple MacBook Pro shown by Apple last month is the first update in four years. The new model MacBook Pro currently supports only USB-C and TouchBar system on certain models. The response to the MacBook Pro is very unusual because users who can not wait to use the computer with the latest specifications. According Slice Intelligence, sales of new MacBook Pro has reached 78% of all sales of the MacBook 12 "2015 since April 2015 in just five days.

More surprising is Macbook sales for five days easily bypass all sales of premium laptops that use Windows as Surface Book and Lenovo Yoga 900. The introduction of the new MacBook Pro is also able to attract Mac users who switch back to Windows. It is estimated that 40% of MacBook Pro users moving to Windows since 2014, seeking a more powerful laptop for daily use.

[Via: Slice Intelligence]

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