Microsoft Introduces Skype Meetings - Ability to Make Calls And Screen Sharing Through Web Browser

Microsoft has some attractive offers through Skype, and the latest they have introduced their new service that targets users of small and medium enterprises (SME), named as Skype Meetings.

Skype Meetings run directly through a web browser, allowing users to access through any device - as long as it has a web browser, speaker, microphone and camera.

Skype Meetings were also present at the function such as Skype to the company, where users can share their screens or content of the document - for example from Power Point, and at the same time talking to members of the group or another colleague.

The administrator who started Skype Meetings will be provided with a special link that can be shared with other colleagues who wish to join the video call.

Currently, Skype Meetings are offered in the United States alone and offered for free. Microsoft provides the facility to make calls up to 10 people for the first 60 days, and then reduced to 3 thereafter.

Microsoft is likely to target many companies will try and will subscribe to Office 365 package after trying and experiencing what is offered through the Skype Meetings.

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Source: Skype Meeting

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